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The Dark Side Of Taghazout Village
mardi 5 mars 2013 Posted by fgff

The is Taghazout The Small Fishing Village , Beautiful Place For Surfing and Wonderful People Everything More Amazing , as We all Know , But Taghazout Have a Dark Side The Problem Of Garbage ... !!


The Pile Of Trash Everywhere : egg shells, rotten eggplants, soiled diapers, bottles, Flies any where ...
removing piles of trash. But the garbage quickly returns ... So Everybody Collect garbage Today in Taghazout hhh … How wrong I was ! Awareness campaigns has the potential to motivate people to change their lifestyles,


This is '' watchiw '' he is a protected environment , Solid waste is essentially garbage:  waste produced in our homes , Solid waste production in this country is growing in volume , garbage toxic, which eventually impact public health and the environment .

What People Say : We live in a time Moves We live in a time the people should Moves ,Garbage has to go somewhere but nobody wants it in their backyard.

It's as if trash is deposited in the garbage can and somehow it's supposed  to disappear into some magic black hole. Problem is, there is no black hole. There isn't even room for any more landfill. What was once thought to be a  progressive solution - incinerating garbage  there is a strong need for a  quick solution to the country's garbage problem.

so the soultion is simple Not throw garbage anywhere ... To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international authorities as well as individuals. Every single person should take care of the environment .

Yassine Alami


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